Everything You Need To Know About The Importance of Risk Management Plans
Gallagher Healthcare :: Industry Insights
By Gallagher Healthcare | 9/7/2022
What Is Risk Management and Why Is It Important?
The practice of risk management can help organizations limit and avoid unnecessary business-related risks. While some risk management plans are designed to prevent certain risks, not all plans are designed to eliminate all risks. Instead, managing risks can help a company determine which risks are worth taking and ensure their business is as safe, productive and efficient as possible.
What Is Risk Management?
A risk management plan identifies potential business risk factors, improving processes to reduce their severity. These risks can occur in many forms, including legal liability, strategic management errors, financial uncertainties, technological issues, employee accidents and natural disasters.
The main goal of risk management is to help a business consider the various risks it faces. Every business faces risks of unexpected events, making it essential to be as prepared and aware of various risks as possible.

Why Is Risk Management Important?
Utilizing risk management allows a business to identify and correct potential risks before they cause an issue for the company. After identifying a risk, it becomes much easier to effectively address and mitigate the specific risk. Additionally, risk management helps provide an organization with a sound basis for decision making.
While some events may be unexpected or impossible to predict, risk assessment can identify various scenarios your company may be more likely to experience. Preparing for eventualities can create a smooth response that ensures your business stays on track for progress and growth. In other words, businesses are more likely to overcome risks — and even reduce them altogether — with a comprehensive plan.
What Is the Importance of Risk Management in a Company?
While everyone hopes their business will not experience serious setbacks or hazardous events, it is always best to be as prepared as possible. A risk management plan can help companies deal with high-priority events that an organization may be more likely to experience. For example, a mining company must prepare for potential employee injury by creating the safest working environment for all employees.
An effective risk management solution can provide a company with a plan of action and the ability to make informed decisions in the face of potential setbacks, prioritizing the needs of the business and helping the organization remain profitable and efficient.
What Are the Benefits of a Risk Management Plan?
Proper risk management planning can provide numerous benefits to a company and its overall bottom line. Some of the benefits of risk management include:
- Efficiency: One of the main benefits of an effective risk management plan is it can help increase your organization's efficiency and minimize periods of downtime and inefficiency. Proactively planning for operational risks can ensure all aspects of your business are running smoothly, so you are prepared for potential setbacks.
- Satisfied clients: Enhancing operational consistency and efficiency can improve a client's overall experience and opinion of your brand. If clients know their information is safe within your company, they are likely to have a positive experience with you, potentially attracting even more clients.
- Successful initiatives: While many people may think of planning for their current circumstances, an effective risk management plan can also help determine whether a potential business venture will be beneficial. With risk management, your business can decide if a new business avenue is a solid decision or too many risks are associated with the change.
- Security: Security is of the utmost importance for your business and all employees. An effective risk management plan can help you determine potential weak points in your industry. For example, a company may realize one of their entrances is not as secure, so they may install a security camera or key-card system.

Risk Management Structures
Implementing the right risk management structure for your company's needs can be extremely beneficial. Some of the main types of risk management structures include:
- Risk transference: While transferring a risk does not prevent it from happening, the responsibility of the risk shifts from your business to another organization. A common example is medical malpractice insurance. In the event of potential patient litigation, a physician, such as a plastic surgeon, can transfer their risk to an insurance company with plastic surgery medical malpractice insurance.
- Risk reduction: This is a strategy businesses regularly use to implement various actions or measures to manage their overall risk level. For example, a manufacturing company may employ a quality management team or system to reduce the risk of creating products that do not fit the brand's standards or specifications.
- Risk acceptance: Practicing risk acceptance is acknowledging a risk without taking any action to reduce its overall impact or prevent it from occurring. While it may sound counterintuitive, the cost of mitigating certain risks may outweigh the benefits of lowering the risk's likelihood. In some cases, accepting the risk may be the correct course of action. For example, you would not want to spend $100,000 trying to lower the likelihood of a $5,000 risk from occurring.
- Risk avoidance: This is when a company takes certain actions to avoid a risk entirely. A simple example would be a company not investing in a specific purchase. If a company thinks a purchase has more risk than reward, they simply can choose not to participate in the purchase, effectively avoiding the risk entirely.
Risk Management Examples
Some of the most common examples of a business enacting a risk management plan include:
- Implementing an enhanced digital security system to reduce the risk of cyberattacks and mismanaged data.
- Assessing workplace hazards for employees to provide the necessary safety equipment to keep employees healthy.
- Using a key-card system to ensure only authorized personnel can enter a workplace or specific sections of an organization.
- Limiting access to sensitive business information to only employees who directly need the information to perform their jobs.
- Avoiding a particular business venture or investment to completely reduce the risk associated with that business decision.
Risk Management Limitations
While risk management plans are an essential and effective aspect of many businesses, you should keep certain limitations to keep in mind. Some of the main limitations of risk management include:
- Lack of data: One of the fundamental steps of creating and implementing a risk management plan is to collect relevant data to make an informed decision. For example, a company that identifies losing subscription-based clients as a risk factor will need to correct data about the overall value of its subscribers. Without the data, a company will not be able to create a risk management plan effectively.
- Inaccurately analyzing data: While obtaining raw data is important, it does not guarantee an effective risk management plan. A poor or incorrect analysis of data can create an inaccurate risk management plan. Because risks have numerous variables, it is of the utmost importance to process data correctly.
- Unsure of associated risks: One of the largest concerns a business may have is being unaware of certain risks that may prevent them from preparing correctly. Without fully understanding your company's various risk levels, you will not know the specific data to collect and use for your risk management planning.
Healthcare Insurance Solutions
Gallagher Healthcare is the world's largest malpractice brokerage firm, dedicated to offering the best insurance solutions for the healthcare field. Our team of experts understands the importance of medical malpractice and has extensive experience providing risk management solutions and securing premium insurance coverage. We are proud to offer group medical malpractice, physician regulatory insurance, orthopedic medical malpractice insurance and more.
Request a quote online today and get started with premium medical malpractice insurance coverage.